Nowadays, whenever you go to buy new car, it is essential for you to possess adequate amount of insurance for it. Almost every individual owning car or driving on road met with accident at least for one time in lives. Considering this fact, it has become essential to equip with the necessary auto insurance policy in Dubai and thereby keep oneself towards the safe side.
Insurance is Essential due to Legal Reasons
Driving a car or any other vehicle without insurance in any country or city is illegal. Hence, if traffic officers caught, you will end up paying a big amount as a fine. Hence, your insurance policy premium should essentially fulfill the minimum requirement demanded by your city, state or country. Each state incorporates varying insurance requirements, while a majority of states demands you to possess liability insurance.
Insurance is Essential in Road Accidents for Fault Party
Getting sufficient auto insurance in Dubai provides protection to your finance if you meet with an accident on road. In case of collision with the vehicle of any other individual and you remain at the fault party; you will end up with the payment of expensive fee for suffering damages.
Even the fees associated with damage of your vehicle cover the car damage of other party combined with medical fees as well as hospitalization of passengers and drivers. Amount of damage fee may fee go very high to maximum thousands of dollars. Indeed, you will bear a big cost if you have to pay the amount from your own savings.
On the other side, if you fail to pay, the other party may probably sue you in the law court. Hence, to stay safe, you should get an insurance policy, so that you can only file your claim and the insurance provider will reimburse the respective damage fee.